January ’25 Despatches

After finishing 2024 with a bang, and I won’t repeat my message from the 2024 AGM here, ’25 has started very well. We kicked off the year with the annual Cold Steel multi-day game held at Blackburn, where the Defence of France was tested by Coalition forces. The first club meeting happened inadvertently at Croydon, after an error of automation showed a meeting a fortnight earlier than planned, but let to some good games and company nonetheless. 

I hope that everyone has had a restful festive season and a good start to the new year. I know that not everyone has had an easy time as some have had to deal with personal challenges, and I’d like the rest of us to remember those in the club who’ve struggled over this time, and where we can to try to make a difference for them.

January will see another large Napoleonic game, using the General d’Armeé system, take place at Blackburn on Sunday 19 Jan. While this is a pre-arranged game played by teams already organised, all members are of course welcome, as with the Cold Steel game, to go and look at what happens when too many of us put our figures on the table at the same time.

The year begins with more mats and terrain available to members to use at both venues than ever before. This should make it much easier for new members, who are still building their collections, to be able to come along to meetings and set up their own games if they’re not up against a grognard equipped with everything they need. 

Looking ahead just a little, the club is running an Battletech: Alpha Strike tournament on 16 Feb. The entry tickets are available on the club website, so please don’t wait but get your entries in sooner rather than later. If you’re new to Alpha Strike, or haven’t played before but would like to support the club tournament, teaching and practice games will be run throughout Feb and spare ‘mech forces will be available to members who are trying this for the first time.

We’re still very keen to hear from any members who are interested in helping at Victorius 25 later in the year. It’s never to early to throw your hat in the ring!

2025 Membership is now open.

We have had a great uptake of membership renewals and new members for 2025.

So if you haven’t already, its time to sign up and we look forward to seeing you all down at the club soon

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