Experience giant robot action through the fast-play Battletech wargame Alpha Strike. The tournament is suitable to beginners and veterans alike and our focus remains on building the alpha strike community. If you need any tips with building forces check out the NWA website blog or come to one of our weekly gaming days for a friendly game.
The tournament will see you playing in a dense battlefield through four narrative scenarios. The four scenarios are played in order on the day so you can tailor your force for maximum fun and effect. Play against fellow alpha strike enthusiasts, make some new friends, show us your cool robots and use your force to its fullest.
The scenarios are set in the year 3152, operatives on the planet have identified signs of several caches left behind, possibly by the former Jade Falcon science caste. In the first scenario you need to download the location of a vault while under enemy fire. The second scenario is a night encounter where your HQ comes under threat, can you keep your information safe or steal your opponents? In the third scenario you need to access vulnerable communications towers, do you choose to protect the facilities or just burn it all down. In the final scenario you team up with another player in a doubles match to unlock the vault and reveal its secrets.