The White Coats were different. They did not sneak around like the other Necromunda gangs. They dressed and walked around liked they owned the place. Wearing their bright long white […]
9-Aug-08 GAMES 2008 The premier event for NWA each year is our open day where we showcase many of the wargames we play and encourage the public to watch and […]
9-Aug-08 What Was In The Main Hall 2
Have a look below at many of the games being played at the Mitcham venue during this meeting.
Held at the Mitcham venue of Nunawading Wargames Association on a Friday night, was the Necromunda non-serious “tournament” for Cheezecon. The Necromunda “tournament” was organised by James Wright and Brendan […]
Held at the Mitcham venue of Nunawading Wargames Association on a Friday night, was the Necromunda non-serious “tournament” for Cheezecon. The Necromunda “tournament” was organised by James Wright and Brendan […]
Cheezecon is a wacky tournament you are having when you are not having a tournament. It is a fun experience and being competitive just doesn’t count. The Warmachine “tournament” was […]
James Wright ran a tournament for Necromunda at the Croydon venue for Nunawading Wargames Association Inc. (NWA)for fans of the science fiction game. It is a skirmish game set in […]
James Wright ran a tournament for Necromunda at the Croydon venue for Nunawading Wargames Association Inc. (NWA) for fans of the science fiction game. Necromunda is a skirmish game set […]
13-Aug-05 GAMES 2005 The big event for NWA each year is our open day. This year, Games 2005 was held at our Croydon venue for the first time ever and […]
NWA was invited by Games Workshop to participate in Conflict Melbourne held at the Box Hill Town Hall on Sunday 3-Apr-05. John Shaw displayed his spectacular Minas Tirith display with […]
GAMES 2004 Open day for NWA. The public has a chance to try out lots of games, see magnificant display, browse traders and find out what wargaming is all about. […]