Welcome to 2023

Lots of things are in the pipeline at NWA which will make 2023 a great year to be member of the club.

What’s happening in January

The Cold Steel group at the club run their annual HUGE Napoleonic battle at the Croydon RSL on the 7th January.

2023 memberships are due and can be completed here. Your membership is an important part of running the club and will be integral to supporting initiatives are Blackburn and Croydon this year.

Blackburn meetings start on the 13th and Croydon on the 21st. Great opportunity to catch up after the Christmas & New Year break and get some games in.


Logo update to provide a more contemporary look and better represent the club to current and future members.

New NWA website.

Mobile friendly, easier to use with all the key information about the club in one place.

Medieval May. Opportunity to bring out your unloved 15mm medieval and dark age armies and learn out to play L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) over 5 meetings in May.

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