Victorius Attendee Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to everyone attending Victorius (Event) as an individual rather than as a trader (Attendee).

  1. Every Attendee will:
    a. follow any instructions and comply with any reasonable requests made to the attendee in advance of or during the Event by the organisers or anyone acting as a volunteer at the Event.
    b. follow and act in accordance with any terms and conditions laid down by the management or staff of the Venue (Farnborough Exhibition Center) to the extent that they are communicated to the attendee either prior to or during the event;
    c. comply with any reasonable instructions given to the Attendee by the management or staff of the Venue either prior to or during the event.
    a. The Event attracts a wide range of Attendees of all ages and the organisers aim to provide a safe environment for all Attendees as well as those attending as traders or Venue staff.
    b. In order for the safe environment to be maintained we would like to ask all
    attendees to read and take note of the types of behaviour that would be found unacceptable and would not be tolerated:
    i. Use of bad language, verbal abuse or swearing at other attendees,
    exhibitors, Venue Staff, organisers staff.
    ii. Any physical violence towards attendees, exhibitors, Venue Staff, NWA
    members and volunteers, including pushing or shoving.
    iii. Racial abuse, sexual harassment, and intolerance due to gender, race,
    religion and sexual orientation.
    iv. Causing damage to the convention buildings, exhibitor stands and property of any attendees.
    v. Disorderly behaviour due the influence of alcohol and drugs.
    vi. For Attendees participating in tournament, participation or demonstration
    games not playing in a fair way in the spirit of the game such that it causes
    offense to the other players.
    vii. Failure to supervise dependants or minors in their party from causing any of the above.
    c. Traders are required to ensure that any material displayed, or activities undertaken on their stands are appropriate. Similarly, all Attendees should ensure that any costumes that they wear, items that they bring to and use during the event, and the way in which they behave is appropriate. If any Attendee becomes aware of any activities that they do not consider appropriate they should in the first instance report their concerns to Event Help Desk
    a. If the Organisers in their absolute discretion, consider that any Attendee is sharing content or acting in a way which;
    i. poses risks to the mental health and online safety of others attending the
    Event; and/or
    ii. contravene the laws of the State of Victoria.
    iii. Is inappropriate behaviour as outlined above or is likely to cause offense or distress to others attending the Event and/ or are unsuitable for an Event
    aimed at a family audience and attended by children.
    The Organisers will
    iv. request the Attendee to cease any such activities and remove any offending items from the Venue.
    v. If an Attendee fails to cease any such activities or remove any such
    offending items when requested to do so the Organisers may take whatever
    action they deem appropriate up to and including ejecting the Attendee
    from the Event.
    vi. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission to any Attendee if they in their absolute discretion decide the Attendee is inappropriately clothed or attempting to use materials or perform actions of a dangerous or
    objectionable nature.
  4. The Organisers in conjunction with the management of the Venue will seek to control access to the Event and reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone whom the Organisers reasonably consider it necessary for the safety and comfort of other Exhibitors or members of the public attending the Event.
  5. The organisers, the Venue and others attending the Event may take photographs or videos of the event and the Attendees. Attendees give permission for this activity to occur and for the photographs and footage to be used online, in marketing and sales materials etc.
  6. DATA PROCESSING. The Organisers will use data provided by tournament entrants or attendees that buy a ticket online to provide the service. This includes publishing lists of tournament entrants. Data may be preserved for future years including lists of prize winners and past attendees.
    a. If an Attendee buys a ticket(s) in advance, but then discovers that he will be unable to attend, a refund may be obtained by requesting a cancellation by email to
    b. Refunds will only be made if the organizers, at their absolute discretion, consider that there is a reasonable chance that the Event Ticket could be re-sold and if the request is received at least 4 weeks before the event. No refunds will be given within 4 weeks of the event.
    c. Refunds will be made less any PayPal or banking fees.
    d. Tickets are not transferable, and entry maybe refused if a transferred ticket is presented.
  8. The Organisers will take out a suitable public liability insurance policy in relation to the Event. However, this will not extend to insuring Attendee’s goods against theft or damage.
    Attendees are advised to take out their own insurance to cover such risks should they deem it necessary.
  9. Attendees are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the management and staff of the Venue or to traders stands resulting from Attendees actions.
    a. The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the Event at any time if they deem this necessary, including if the Event is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the Venue is prevented or interfered with by reason of any industrial dispute, act of war, civil disturbance, terrorist action, act of God, or instruction from the police, the local authority or any other governmental agency, or if the Venue is damaged whether maliciously or by accident or the management of the Venue are unable to provide the expected facilities. In the event of such cancellation, the liability of the
    Organisers shall be limited to refunding any fees paid by an Attendee in advance of the Event subject to a pro rata reduction for that portion of the anticipated time for which the Event was scheduled to run which in fact fell before any such cancellation.
  11. These terms and conditions shall be subject to the laws of the State of Victoria