NWA Despatches – March ’23

After a busy start to the year the club seems to have settled into a good rhythm with the meetings. Of note with them, attendance has steadied on Fridays and Saturdays with 25-30 members and 5+ visitors regularly attending the RSLs on those days and evenings. The 3pm start at Blackburn has gone well. The observation I’ve made about that is that people generally finish a little earlier on the Friday now, possibly because the longer games that are played start earlier in the afternoon rather than having to wait for later in day. Altogether though, attendance is good and has necessitated some work by the Secretary to optimise the availability of space at Croydon. There is now a plan for how we can fit as many games, maximising the number of 6’x4′ and 8’x6′ tables, in the hall. This has been helped by taking some of the club blow-mold tables to Croydon. This latter point takes away the need to balance boards on the potentially wobbly round tables in the hall, and so enabling players to relax a little and not worry about that point.

As we’ve moved into April the Committee have their eye and efforts on the Autumn Sale Day. Thanks again to the Secretary for setting up the Bring-&-Buy online register. This great move has enabled some items to be sold well before the Sale Day. Another modification to the day is a greater emphasis on what club members have to sell, and as such the commercial vendors will take up less space this time around. We’re still looking for volunteers to assist, so please register online https://nwa.org.au/saledayhelpers/ and help carry the load, just a little and for just a few hours, so we can again put on a great event for the club and the public.

Lastly, we’re still very keen to hear from you about ideas and concepts you’d like to see the committee discuss and the club explore. Just email us at president@nwa.org.au or secretary@nwa.org.au

There were many of great looking games during March. One of the great thing about NWA meetings is the wide variety of games being played every week and the opportunity for people join in games too. So instead of a specific Mentioned in Despatches this month we are doing a unit citation and given everyone some recognition with pics below.

Club Shirts

The first order for the new club polos and t-shirts have gone in. It is not too late to order as we have a make to order arrangement with the local supplier in Ringwood. So if you want one of these great looking, easy care shirts you can order here

Autumn Sale Day

Don’t forget the Autumn Sale Day is on the 16th April. Thanks to those members who took the opportunity to pre-list their Bring and Buy items and it is great to see that we have had a good number of pre-sales as a result. Bring and Buy is open to all members wanting to find a new home for unwanted or unloved miniatures, games, books etc… So if you plan to bring stuff along to sell on the day please use this form.

Finally, many hands make light work so if you are going to attend, please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours using this form so that Aaron can give you a job!!

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