Several Lord of the Rings games were played at this club meeting on a Friday night at Mitcham.
The Army of the Dead wasrecently put together and this was the first chance to try out their unique style of play. Old foes were again at each others throats on the plains of Rohan.
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Army of the Dead
The Army of the Dead is interesting to play. It is very strong against opponents with low Courage, but very weak against opponents with high Courage. Couple them up with someone like Aragorn to counter the threat of opposing heroes and you will have a powerful force.
They are also quick to paint compared to most other figures.
Elves versus Gondorians
It is possible to break the mould and play good versus good or evil versus evil. All that is needed is to determine at the start of play which side is classedas “good” and which side is classed as “evil”. This definition is important in determining which side winsa 50:50 roll off. It also determines the starting position and winning conditions if a scenario is being played.
Rohan versus Uruk-hai
The Uruk-hai are tough opponents for the Rohan.Their higher fight value, higher strengthand tough armour give them the edge in combat. Gaining priority or using a Might point to call a Heroic Move is important. The Rohan horsemen need to charge into combat to gain the advantage of extra attacks and the chance of a knockdown. But if they get caught and are charged by the Uruk-hai, then they are at a disadvantage.