Half way through February and we have already seen plenty of games, smiling faces and a really good atmosphere at Friday night and Saturday afternoon meetings. Everyone attending the last couple of meetings have received their membership cards and name badges.
As such there is less need to try and remember someone’s name now. t has also been good to take stock of the most popular names in the club with 6 John/Jons, 5 Andrews and 3 Jeff/Geoffs!
Thanks to all of you who renewed their membership or joined the NWA ranks for the first time. Current membership is just over 80% of full year 2023 numbers, which is one of the best starts to a new year an a long time. However if you haven’t renewed you can do so here on this link.
Just in case you are not aware we have replaced the paper sign is sheets with an online sign in form. A scannable QR code is at the door of both venues, or you can sign in using the QR code on the back of your membership card. If you are bring a guest or someone needs help please show them how to sign in.
NWA Games Day Booked for August 2024
Games Day is locked in for August and we are just finalising some details before formally announcing the event. We are looking at a new venue with room for more of everything, better access and opportunities to grow.
More details will be coming soon and in the meantime have a think about what you would to see in August.

Q&A Sessions Coming in 2024
Ever wondered why the games we love to play came about? Why one game uses d6, another D10s and and another uses cards? Do you have one big question you have always wanted to ask the game’s designer? You may well have the opportunity to get your burning questions answered in 2024.
Starting in March, we are going to be holding video Chats and Q&A sessions with games designers and other notables in the wargaming world. Although Melbourne might be on the other side of the world, we have the technology to bring people to us and have already lined up a couple of sessions.
Whilst we have already reached out to a number of people across the oceans, we want your ideas on who you would like to see at the club. We also recognise that there are a number of well connected people at the club who we hope might be able to grease the wheels with some introductions too.
So if you have an idea of an author, designer, sculptor or anyone else of interest please email it in to secretary@nwa.org.au.

Club Polos and T-Shirts.
If you don’t have a club shirt or your old one is a little worse for wear are taking orders now via this link. Available in polo and t-shirt styles with the NWA logo or old club emblem.
2024 Club Terrain Update
We have been busy printing terrain for the Alpha Strike tournament on Sunday 3rd March. All the hills have been completed (thanks to Brian R and Jeff B for assisting with the printing) and the buildings / objectives are currently being painted by club members.

You may have seen WIP of the medieval terrain on the Barons’ Wars games this year. This is from Printable Scenery out of NZ and is quite spectacular with lots of detail. Sufficient buildings, fences, fields, roads, rivers and ponds to cover a 6×4′ table have now been painted and will at next Saturday afternoon’s meeting at Croydon RSL. To see more of what is available check out this link.

We have also printed out some hills, ponds and trees from a couple of other available ranges. This terrain is more fantastical in style and larger in scale than the Printable Scenery files and the buildings are well suited to Frostgrave, Warhammer Old World, other fantasy settings and cross over into SciFi genres. Check out here and here as we have access all of these files and it will be good to know what people want or prefer to see at NWA.
Finally, Brian is also printing out some WWII themed terrain from WOWBuildings‘ World in Ruins Kickstarter. The goal is to build a collection of ruined buildings and townscapes which can be used for games like Chain of Command, Bolt Action and 0200 hours etc…

All the files for terrain printed to date have been donated by members and we are on the look out for terrain options. So if you own STL files of terrain which you believe will benefit the club please let the committee know.
We are still looking for volunteers with FDM printers to help out and with printing. More importantly we are looking for members who are willing to paint up freshly printed terrain for the club. One of the options is to do a club painting day, so if you are keen to help out please register your interest so we can arrange a time and date.

We have just placed our second order with Aurarum and if you want to order directly coupon code NWA5 will give you a 5% discount on filament and resin purchases.
Battletech Alpha Strike Tournament
As mentioned above we are hosting Melbourne’s first Alpha Strike tournament on Sunday 3rd March. numbers are looking good, but there is always room for more. Even “el Presidente” is painting up a force for the event. Darren has done a great job pulling this together and we hope to finalise numbers by the 25th Feb. So if you are interested you can find out more here, read the blogs (on our site) and share this event on Facebook.