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Lard Zone Participation Games Victorius ’24

Participation Games – Lard Zone Victorius ’24

17 August, 2024 @ 10:00 AM 4:00 PM

Tournament Organiser

Peter Rossetti

Lard Zone Participation Games.

Multi player participation games led by an experienced Game Master

Select your game title below to get to the tickets for each game

Tickets include General Entry to Victorius.

Event Details:

Various Games from Too Fat Lardies – book a slot by clicking on the game link below

Britannia – Can an outpost of Romans secure their fort or will the Britons overrun them? Small scale unit actions in the ancient world.

(Forthcoming TFL Rules)

Britain – Fight as the last heathen King or fly the flag for Christianity. Heroic medieval battle with massed 28mm warbands.

Barbarossa’s Christmas – Command a German or Russian Platoon in the depth of a Russian Winter.

CoC The Black Powder Game (TFL Rules In Development )

Fighting Cocks – The Portuguese and British battle it out with the French in the Peninsula.

CoC: The Cold War Game (TFL Rules In Development )

Ivan’s Thrust – Command a NATO Combat Team or Warpac Battalion Tactical Group.

CoC: The Black Powder Game ACW (TFL Rules In Development )

The Great Train Raid – Lead Confederate forces to disrupt a critical Union railroad during the American Civil War

Battle of Muthul – Set in Numidia 109 BC, the Roman Republic attempts to subjugate King Jugurtha and North Africa

Box Hill Town Hall

1022 Whitehorse Road
Box Hill, Victoria 3128 Australia


Generic Event Information

Please note that when registering, your email address will be forwarded to the relevant Tournament Organiser. We do this so that they can contact you with important updates and new information that is relevant to your registration and tournament. If you do not want your email address to be supplied to the Tournament Organiser then please email victorius@nwa.org.au.

Payment can be made by PayPal (using a PayPal account or credit/debit card). Ensure you use your Registration Code is included in any correspondence regarding payments so we can identify who you are.