Epic: Armaggedon At NWA


070510epic07aAfter a hiatus of many years, Epic is rising again and in force at NWA. Currently we have eight members who have armies up and running. There are some more NWA members who are digging through their garages and cupboards looking for their old Epic armies. There is an updated rules set available free for download from Games Workshop™ on the internet.


Epic: Armageddon at NWA

If you are interested in Epic, come along to one of the club nights and have a chat. It doesn’t matter if you have never played the game before. We are always keen to bring new people to the game.

Should you turn up to the club and find no-one playing Epic; do not despair. Like most wargamers we play way too many other games as well. Just ask at the door and they will point you in the direction of the nearest Epic game or gamer.

General’s banter.

Eldar generals confer.

More dice, please.

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