Ent Making 27-May-06

Jeremy Shannon with some help from John Shaw ran Ent making over two days for NWA members. Start by making a skeleton of the basic shape from twisted wire. Bulk it out with masking tape.

Add a face, tree roots, detail areas and stick it to a base with epoxy putty (“green stuff”). Paint other areas with textured bark (silicone rubber with sand). Allow to dry. Paint. Glue on green foam and you have your very own Ent!

Look below to see finished Ents as well as the Ents being made on 27-May-06 and 3-Jun-06 at Croydon.

Old Man Ent by Jeremy Shannon.

Orc Crusher the Ent by John Shaw.

Picasso the Ent by Murray Shaw.

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Treebeard shown for comparison (available as a metal figure from Games Workshop). Painted by John Shaw.

The right “arm” on this Ent has been made to hold a plastic Orc figure.

Every Ent has its own personality. Black undercoated and ready to paint.


Glue sand on the bases with PVA. Add a few small stones for additional texture.

Murray and John shape their wire as Jeremy instructs.

PVA, sand in a plastic container, rolls of “green stuff”, vaseline to stop it sticking to your hands, newspaper, a sprue of Orcs and some Ent sketches are some of the things you”ll need.

You start with a wire shape and finish with an Ent.

A closer view of a magnificent portly Ent made by Jeremy Shannon.

Travis nearly completed with the wire shape.

After the wire, a face is sculpted out of “green stuff”.

“Boonie” the Ent with his thick handlebar moustache.

The group hard at work and having fun.




Ents in various stages of creation.

Masking tape is used to pack out the wire shape so you use less “green stuff”.

Lots of wire needed out of the head for a willow Ent.




Another view of the willow Ent in the making. Note the “green stuff”used to hold the Ent to the base and sculpted with a hobby knife to represent tree roots

Murray and John painting on the textured bark. This is a mixture of liquid silicon rubber and sand. It is quicker and cheaper than using “green stuff” all over.

Two more Ents drying.




Ian Payne, the proud owner of a hand made Ent (and his proud Dad).

Our youngest Ent maker was Danny. As you can see he did a great job.

The white textured bark is drying.




Murray’s Ent was named Picasso for obvious reasons. Each of the Ents was unique and they all had obvious character.

Eyes are made by poking small bead balls carefully into the “green stuff” face before it has hardened.

This Ent by Shuko is ready to scare the Orcs away.

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This Ent is lifting a heavy rock (actually made of cork).

The full effect of Picasso.

Painting on the textured bark.

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Ben forming the wire skeleton.

John sculpting the “green stuff” for the head.

Scary the Ent by Shuko Hirose.

Hunch by John Shaw.

Plenty of personality on this Rowan Ent by Jeremy Shannon.

Young Rocky by Jeremy Shannon.

The Orcs may be a little wary of messing with this lot.

Moonwalker by Jeremy Shannon.


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