• Untitled post 4462

    More Saga suitable terrain pieces Around 25 years ago I splurged out on a whole village worth of Armorcast buildings including some ruins.  The ruins had been sitting in the […]

  • Untitled post 4464

    Spending time away from painting figures to build terrain. I have playing around with building some basic terrain pieces for Saga.   Sometimes I need a break from painting miniatures […]

  • Untitled post 4466

    Since my last post I finished the four extra mounted heathguard made from Conquest and Fireforge sprues. Fireforge Mounted Sergeants These two knights are made using Fireforge horses and torsos.  To […]

  • Untitled post 4468

    Every year I take an extended Christmas & New Year holiday.  So from mid-December to late-January I try and build and paint a new warband, plus other miscellaneous wargaming stuff. […]

  • 2019 was a busy year.  Lots of full on activity in the first quarter and then things slowed down due to family and work commitments.  So the hobby suffered over […]

  • Am I suffering from hubris or not? Of course not, I am one of the ruling class of a Great Kingdom. So get back in your box you miserable piece […]

  • Untitled post 4480

    Things that go bump in the night, the monsters under your bed and the night terrors that the worst of dreams are made of. The Otherworld faction in Saga represents […]

  • Untitled post 4488

    Time for a rumpus with the Lords of the Wild This is a faction close to my heart.  I played Wood Elves but in my WHFB days and also have […]

  • Basic overview of Master of the Underneath Masters of the Underneath are supposed to represent the miners, the underground hordes, things that hide, things that delve and make arcane machines […]

  • Saga Age of Magic is now out in Australia and a few people have been asking about the different factions and how they play. So this is my first attempt […]

  • Little Wars Melbourne for 2019 is done and dusted Great day for Saga in Melbourne and massive thanks to Pip, Robbie, Kat, Ben and Tony for helping out with all […]

  • Great Kingdoms v Horde Battle Report using Menoth (Privateer Press) and Warriors of Chaos (Games Workshop) A cold wind swept over Pelisium Moor, dispersing the mists into cobweb like clouds […]