2019 was a busy year. Lots of full on activity in the first quarter and then things slowed down due to family and work commitments. So the hobby suffered over […]
Am I suffering from hubris or not? Of course not, I am one of the ruling class of a Great Kingdom. So get back in your box you miserable piece […]
Basic overview of Master of the Underneath Masters of the Underneath are supposed to represent the miners, the underground hordes, things that hide, things that delve and make arcane machines […]
Saga Age of Magic is now out in Australia and a few people have been asking about the different factions and how they play. So this is my first attempt […]
Little Wars Melbourne for 2019 is done and dusted Great day for Saga in Melbourne and massive thanks to Pip, Robbie, Kat, Ben and Tony for helping out with all […]
Great Kingdoms v Horde Battle Report using Menoth (Privateer Press) and Warriors of Chaos (Games Workshop) A cold wind swept over Pelisium Moor, dispersing the mists into cobweb like clouds […]