NWA was invited by Games Workshop to participate in Conflict Melbourne held at the Box Hill Town Hall on Sunday 3-Apr-05. John Shaw displayed his spectacular Minas Tirith display with […]
GAMES 2004 Open day for NWA. The public has a chance to try out lots of games, see magnificant display, browse traders and find out what wargaming is all about. […]
The big event for our friends at Western Suburbs Wargames Association (WSWA) each year is their open day. Well worth a trip to the other side of Melbourne. Lots of […]
Several games of Lord of the Rings, including Rohan versus Uruk-hai, Rohan versus Wargs and more battles of the Fellowship were held at the home of one of our meembers. In […]
The scenes from the Mines of Moria in the first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring, provide plenty of material for scenarios. One of the most […]
Necromunda portrays the battle for survival in a nightmare undercity of the future. It is a skirmish wargame set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Players control rival gangs of fighters […]