Cheezecon – Warhammer 40K on 29 & 30-Oct-05

The month of Cheeze continued with a two day Warhammer 40K tournament.

It was held at the Mitcham venue on the first night.

The battles continued, with the second day being held at Croydon.

Tzeentch Thousand Sons army face up against the Movie Marines. The latter were from an article in White Dwarf which included stunt doubles that could take the wounds instead of the Movie Marine.

Tzeentch Terminators are a tough proposition to dispose of 

Space Marine camouflage

A striking alternative colour scheme for a Necron Monolith

Necrons and Land Raider

Some heavy Tzeentch firepower

Colourful Tau

Colourful Tau

Necron army based on Dr Who

The Sisters Repentia can wreak havoc with their chainswords

Battle Sisters

Battle Sisters

Space Marines take the high ground

Necron army from Star Wars figures

Space Marines

A Space Marine Land Raider is very hard to stop

Necron army from Star Wars figures


Chaos Space Marines

Heavy armour

Chaos Space Marines

Thousand Sons Chaos army of Tzeentch pile in 

Thousand Sons Chaos army of Tzeentch versus a very tough Movie Marine that just would not die.

Thousand Sons Chaos army of Tzeentch looking for a good time 

Thousand Sons Chaos army of Tzeentch

Tzeentch versus Battle Sisters

Battle Sisters line up against the Chaos army of Tzeentch

Battle Sisters

Thousand Sons Tzeentch

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