The men of Gondor stood ready to receive an attack from the combined forces of men from the east. Sauron had banded together Easterlings, Khandish and Haradrim in an attempt to […]
Several games of Lord of the Rings were played at Mitcham. John brought along his first module of the Moria scenery, which is the fun Watcher in the Water scenario. […]
The ground scale used in Epic: Armageddon permits a game of manoeuvre to occur on a normal sized table. With each formation being roughly the equivalent of a typical 40k […]
Epic: Armageddon is Games Workshop’s game of warfare in the 41st millennium played in 6mm scale. This means that the height of a human figure (Space Marine or Imperial Guardsman) […]
An army in Epic: Armageddon consists of a number of units, just as in Warhammer 40K. Units are whole companies, rather than platoons. See the article for a sample Imperial […]
After a hiatus of many years, Epic is rising again and in force at NWA. Currently we have eight members who have armies up and running. There are some more […]
Warmachine™ is set in the Iron Kingdoms. There are four main factions in the kingdoms: Cygnar, Khador, the Protectorate of Menoth and Cryx. Each has its own special abilities and […]
Warmachine™ is set in the Iron Kingdoms. It combines some aspects of traditional fantasy with steam-power and gunpowder. Across the realm, ancient rivalries explode amongst the various nations into a […]
The miniatures game of Warmachine developed out of a role playing game using the Iron Knigdoms as its background. The miniatures game is placed in the western continent of Immoren, […]
Armies in Warmachine™ consist of three main types. Warcasters lead the army and use powerful magic. Warjacks add the heavy punch to an army. Troops are the majority of an army […]