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  • Untitled post 330

    Trebuchets are great engines of war that hurl huge stones to crush the enemy. The Gondorians used these devices to protect the great city of Minas Tirith from anyone trying […]

  • Several games of Lord of the Rings, including Rohan versus Uruk-hai, Rohan versus Wargs and more battles of the Fellowship were held at the home of one of our meembers. In […]

  • The scenes from the Mines of Moria in the first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring, provide plenty of material for scenarios. One of the most […]

  • Gimli was distraught to find the tomb of Balin, Lord of Moria, whom he had hoped to meet again. Gimli soon found an outlet for his anger, against the horde […]

  • The scenes from Moria in the first movie, Fellowship of the Ring, are dark and dangerous. There is plenty of action as the group of friends fight hordes of Goblins […]