Alas dear members, news from the front has been scant and sketchy these past few months. Despite the onset of winter weather, horses throwing a shoe and their riders and […]
With the 2020 Kickstarter campaign, new plastic miniatures and refreshed boxsets and rulebooks Battletech has experienced a bit of a resurgence. Still early days at NWA, but there are a […]
Medieval May May is themed this year: Ancients and Medieval May. We strongly encourage members to pull out their sword and spear armies that may have been gathering dust and […]
After a busy start to the year the club seems to have settled into a good rhythm with the meetings. Of note with them, attendance has steadied on Fridays and […]
Welcome everyone to February’s Despatches. We have now commenced our outreach to schools in the vicinity of Blackburn. Whilst we’ve had more new members join NWA in the past six […]
Welcome everyone to the first monthly newsletter that the Club will produce for the foreseeable future. This is a new concept for which I have to thank the former and […]
Lots of things are in the pipeline at NWA which will make 2023 a great year to be member of the club. What’s happening in January The Cold Steel group […]
Click for the NWA public page, where you can find out about upcoming events involving NWA and where the public can ask questions and find out about the club. Click for the […]
Download the free Army List generator in Excel for Sword & Spear, a game for Ancient and Medieval combat by Polkovnik Productions and published by Great Excape Games. Updated to […]
The Vikings that established themselves in Eastern Europe were known as the Rus. They established a expanding kingdom that eventually became Russia. The Rus have some interesting abilities on the “Battle […]
Saga is a game for playing Dark Age battles. The initially released armies and army lists centred around the British Isles and nearby countries. The main rules included Vikings, Anglo-Danish, Normans […]
More than once at recent club meetings, I have received compliments on my painting abilities and the presentation of my armies; thank you once again for all those kind words. […]