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  • The scenes from the Mines of Moria in the first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring, provide plenty of material for scenarios. One of the most […]

  • Necromunda portrays the battle for survival in a nightmare undercity of the future. It is a skirmish wargame set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Players control rival gangs of fighters […]

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    Warhammer 40k is a a game of tabletop warfare set in the dark future of the 41st millennium. You control powerful armies of Space Marines, Imperial Guardsmen, Space Orks, Battle […]

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    How Games Are Played Games are played by groups of two or more people; 3 to 8 are typical. One player is commonly called the Game Master (GM), Dungeon Master […]

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    History Role playing games became popular with the Dungeons & Dragons™ (D&D) fantasy role playing game created and published by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax of TSR in 1973.

  • Gimli was distraught to find the tomb of Balin, Lord of Moria, whom he had hoped to meet again. Gimli soon found an outlet for his anger, against the horde […]

  • The scenes from Moria in the first movie, Fellowship of the Ring, are dark and dangerous. There is plenty of action as the group of friends fight hordes of Goblins […]

  • NWA meeting at Mitcham with the Hordes of the Things, War Machine, World War 2, DBM, Saxon versus Norman, Napoleonics, Warhammer 40K and more.

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    It was on a cool September morning in 1943, that the Allies began the riskiest amphibious operation of the entire Second World War. The landing craft approached a little known […]