Salve everyone, we’re now in Ancients & Medieval May! Now is the time to bring out those figures from earlier historical periods that may have been recuperating in a drawer or on a shelf somewhere at home. Whether it’s Barons’ War, Infamy, ADLG, Hail Caesar, some version of SAGA, or another game you prefer, get them out and onto the table so they can earn their keep. Thanks to Daryl for his big game at Croydon recently, and while I’ll miss the last May meeting due to work, I plan to be there for the Medieval Big Bash for June.
The Victorius planning committee forges ahead, meeting on a fortnightly basis. We now have reps from several other Melbourne clubs who’ve joined us. So, while the even is NWA’s show, it’s certainly not just NWA putting it on. Calls for games have gone out, so please submit your proposals as soon as possible and get building your tables. If the show attracts new members to play the games you love, then don’t miss out on the opportunity to influence people accordingly. A call for volunteers will go out shortly. This is for people to act in a “general duties” capacity. We aim to have sufficient volunteers so that they only need to work half the day or so on doors etc and with setting & packing up, so there’ll be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the show.
Finally, as the weather gets colder, don’t let that stop you from getting out of the house to enjoy the warmth & company at Blackburn and Croydon. The meeting numbers are fair, there’s table space for all, and even if you’re not up to a game then you can always just build and paint.

This month is a shared event going to the X-Wing players. Not only did we get to see the battle over the Neal & Robyn’s Death Star again, but on the same night Jasper & Kim gave the game an added dimension (the 3rd) by using Check Your 6 to run savage but very fun dogfights between Ties and X-Wings. Great games by all!

As Geoff mentioned above planning for Victorius is moving forward at a great rate and this is a good time to update everyone in the club.
- We received a community grant from Whitehorse Council to hold Victorius which means we have been able to book over 900 sqm of space, more than double that at Central Ringwood Community Centre. The show will be laid out with
- Main Hall – Participation games
- Main Stage – Performances and presentations
- Lower Hall – Small Tournaments
- Whitehorse Room – Traders and Bring & Buy
- Foyer – Entry and overflow
- Front Lawn – Living History / Food Vans
- We have already started receiving registrations for Participation Games. If you are thinking about hosting a game, don’t procrastinate fill out the form on this link so we can start planning the layouts and you can get working on your table and miniatures. Peter Rosetti will be coordinating the Lard Zone, so if you are wanting to run a Too Fat Lardies game, state Lard Zone on the form so we can link you up with Peter.
- Applications for Traders are also live with a focus on more independent gaming businesses. Aside from NWA regulars, if you have someone you would like to have involved let us know and we will reach out to them. alternatively send them to this link.
- Victorius will have a Bring and Buy which we will be looking to run a little differently to previous sale days. We will still have space for individual traders in addition to the bring and buy stand, however to help with planning to layout we ask that you let us know sooner rather than later. Registration details are not live yet, but will up soon on this link.
- A call for Volunteers to help out on the day will go out next week.
- The aim of Victorius is to showcase all aspects of the hobby and make it interesting to the general public by having as much crossover with related hobbies and groups. There will be active participation from a number of Living History reenactment, Swordcraft LARP and Star Wars costume groups, Eastern Suburbs Scale Model Club and a How to Paint station.
To help with promoting Victorius, please Like/Follow the Victorius Facebook Page , click Interested/Going on the Victorius Facebook Event and share the details with as many of your friends and family to get the word out.

Our chat with Andy Callan can be viewed on YouTube . If you haven’t watched it “then do yourself a favour” and set aside some time and listen to Andy’s stories. Likewise out first interview with Phil Yates on this link

David R Brown (‘O’ Group, Grand de Armee and Picketts Charge) is up next on Saturday 25th May at 7PM via Zoom on this link.

NWA in collaboration with Saganaughts Victoria, is holding a Saga Tournament on Sunday 19th May. The day is all about having fun, meeting new players and rolling dice.
Tournament details, including the players pack and registration form can be accessed here. nwa.org.au/nwa24-saga-tournament/
So if you have a warband, sign up and bring it along.